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The species in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+5Posted:2020-06-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: speciessubspeciesinterspeciesintraspeciesendangered speciesspeciein specieespecial
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(181) Kerry Knudsen, lichen curator of the University of California, Riverside Herbarium, discovered the species in 2007 while doing a survey for lichen diversity on Santa Rosa Island in California.
(182) The species number of phytophagous , predatory, parasitic and spider groups was 30,8,10 and 20 respectively.
(183) This test was aimed to investigate the species, quantity and endemic characteristics of dermatophyte on hair of pets in Beijing.
(184) This report expounds the species, floristic relation, ecologic distribution and utilizing value of pteridophyte resources.
(185) Objective To explore the species of common helminth in Tupaia belangeri chinensis, and to provide scientific basis for laboratory research, domestication and artificial breeding.
(186) The biological and ecological characteristics of the species and competitive exclusion principle led to such differences.
(187) ObjectiveTo determine the species and quantities of serine protease inhibitors in Jue - ming - zi ( Cassia obtusifolia L ).
(188) The researchers sprayed DDT inside the huts and released Aedes aegypti mosquitoes — the species that carries Chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever — ten metres away from the huts.
(189) The clinical features of tinea capitis vary considerably depending on the species responsible for the infection.
(190) The pantoporate pollen of P. merrilliana shows that the species has vital taxonomical and evolutionary significance in Primula.
(191) Prions are not readily transmittable from species to species, but once they have broken through the species barrier they can rapidly adapt and become contagious within the species.
(192) If people are pleasuring each other in many different ways, enough procreative sex will occur to propagate the species.
(193) This white-naped mangabey monkey was born at The Bioparco Zoo in Rome, Italy, and is part of an international breeding program to keep the species alive.
(194) In order to study and analyze the species and bacteriorhodopsin (BR) protein resource, a strain of extremely halophilic archaea AB3 was isolated.
(195) Objective To understand the species, species distribution, the dominant species and their interspecies interaction of chigger mites on Eothenomys miletus(a dominant species of rats)in Yunnan.
(196) We have observed the species of the wild medicinal plants on the basification meadow in West Jilin.
(197) Lychnothamnus (Characeae) is a monotypic genus with Euro-Australasian distribution. The species is considered in decline.
(198) B: this Martian shows us at least the origin of the species.
(199) Objective To explore the species of common helminth in Tupaia belangeri chinensis, and to provide scientific heals for laboratory research, domestication and artificial breeding.
(200) It was the mother lode of the remaining kakapo population, and it provided conservationists with another opportunity to rehabilitate the species.
(201) Similarly the differentiae are predicated of the species and of the individuals.
(202) ResultsWe made clear the species and geographical distribution of Osmundaceae Gleicheniaceae and Dennstaedtiaceae medicinal pteridophyte in Guizhou.
(203) The species and preparation methods of carbonic system pantograph strip materials are explained in detail.
(204) The newly discovered precocial breeding could help to keep the species from vanishing, the researchers speculate.
(205) The present study deals with the species of pathogenic mites causing urinary acariasis.
(206) It's venom possess neurotoxic , cardiotoxic and hemotoxic properties. The clinical features of cobra bite are various, depend on the species and the ratio of the venous component.
(206) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(207) The species of Thrips are less and population density is lowar in dwarf mountainous woodland.
(208) A conservation group has warned that overdevelopment, disease, climate change, and sexual disease are killing off the species.
(209) Plant regeneration system of the species of genus Lolium, Poa, Zoysia, Agrostis and Festuca were established by means of solid medium culture, suspension culture, and protoplast suspension culture.
(210) Objective To investigate the species, infection rate and rhythm of reproduction of the Lymnaeidae, intermediate host of Trichobilharzia in the Huaihe River System.
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